valid AMP

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This page is a valid AMP. Go see verification here. . This page is supposed to enter the Google-AMP-Cache.

How do I host an AMP?

hosting an AMP online is easy. These are the steps:

  1. First, write your page's code in accordance with the AMP documentation
  2. When you are done coding, make sure you have, in fact, produced a valid AMP. You can test your code here
  3. upload your page to a Git-platform. Good options are:
  4. Now, you need a place to host the page. I can recommend Netlify because it is free and easy. But Googling host free static website will get you a long list of alternatgoogives
    1. Create a Netlify account, in case you don't have one yet
    2. deploy a new site. In the potentially confunsing dialogue about deplyoment settings leave all unfilled fields empty
  5. Good job, you're done. You now have an AMP that can be found by Google and your audience
Now, you are ready to check out the approach to hosting an invalid AMP