invalid AMP
/ invalid
This page is an invalid AMP. Go see verification
. This page is invalid AMP becuase I do not want it to enter the Google-AMP-cache. The only difference of this code is that it lacks the opening ⚡ character. Accoding to this documentation by Google that's enough to opt a page out of the Google-cache.
How do I host an AMP?
hosting an AMP online is easy. These are the steps:
First, write your page's code in accordance with
the AMP documentation
When you are done coding, make sure you have, in fact, produced a
valid AMP. You can test your code
here. When your AMP-code is valid, make sure to remove the opening ⚡ character, in order for this page to be invalid
- upload your page to a Git-platform. Good options are:
GitHub, for those who are fine wiht being mainstream
GitLab, for those who prefer to be hipster
BitBucket, in case you are fine with JIRA PTSD
Now, you need a place to host the page. I can recommend Netlify
because it is free and easy. But Googling
host free static website
will get you a long list of
- Create a Netlify account, in case you don't have one yet
- deploy a new site. In the potentially confunsing dialogue about deplyoment settings leave all unfilled fields empty
- Good job, you're done. You now have an AMP that can be found by Google and your audience